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da Vinci ® Endometriosis Resection


If your doctor recommends surgery – either endometriosis resection or hysterectomy - to treat endometriosis, you may be a candidate for da Vinci Surgery. Using state-of-the-art technology, da Vinci® Surgery requires only a few tiny incisions, so you can get back to your life faster. The da VinciSystem enables your doctor to operate with enhanced vision, precision, dexterity and control. da Vinci’s 3D, high-definition vision system allows surgeons to see key anatomy with immense depth and clarity– critical to removing deep endometrial tissue implants.


da Vinci Endometriosis Resection

da Vinci Endometriosis Resection allows your surgeon to perform a thorough removal of deeply penetrated or widespread endometrial implants – while preserving your uterus. Unlike conventional open and laparoscopic surgery, da Vinci Endometriosis Resectionoffers the added benefit of computer and robotic-assisted technology, with the goal of minimizing the risk of your endometriosis returning.

da Vinci Endometriosis Resectionoffers women many potential benefits over traditional laparoscopy, including:

  • Low blood loss

  • Low conversion rate to open surgery

  • Low rate of complications

  • Short hospital stay

  • Small incisions for minimal scarring

da Vinci Hysterectomy for Endometriosis – If you have decided to have a hysterectomy – removal of the uterus - you may be a candidate for da Vinci Hysterectomy, a definitive treatment for endometriosis. Potential benefits of da Vinci Hysterectomy compared to traditional open surgery include:

  • Less blood loss

  • Fewer complications

  • Shorter hospital stay

  • Small incisions for minimal scarring

Potential benefits of da Vinci Hysterectomy compared to traditional laparoscopic surgery include:

  • Less blood loss

  • Lower conversion rate to open surgery

  • Shorter hospital stay

The da Vinci System is a state-of-the-art surgical platform with 3D, high-definition vision and miniaturized, wristed surgical instruments designed to help doctors take surgery beyond the limits of the human hand. By helping doctors to overcome the challenges of traditional open and laparoscopic surgery, da Vinci is changing the experience of surgery for women around the world.


All surgery presents risk, including da Vinci Surgery. Results, including cosmetic results, may vary. Serious complications may occur in any surgery, up to and including death. Examples of serious and life-threatening complications, which may require hospitalization, include injury to tissues or organs; bleeding; infection, and internal scarring that can cause long-lasting dysfunction or pain. Temporary pain or nerve injury has been linked to the inverted position often used during abdominal and pelvic surgery. Patients should understand that risks of surgery include potential for human error and potential for equipment failure. Risk specific to minimally invasive surgery may include: a longer operative time; the need to convert the procedure to an open approach; or the need for additional or larger incision sites. Converting the procedure to open could mean a longer operative time, long time under anesthesia, and could lead to increased complications. Research suggests that there may be an increased risk of incision-site hernia with single-incision surgery. Patients who bleed easily, have abnormal blood clotting, are pregnant or morbidly obese are typically not candidates for minimally invasive surgery, including da Vinci Surgery. Other surgical approaches are available. Patients should review the risks associated with all surgical approaches. They should talk to their doctors about their surgical experience and to decide if da Vinci is right for them. For more complete information on surgical risks, safety and indications for use, please refer to

©2013 Intuitive Surgical. All rights reserved. Intuitive, Intuitive Surgical, da Vinci, da Vinci S, da Vinci Si, Single-Site, TilePro, FireFly, Skills Simulator, EndoWrist and EndoWrist One are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intuitive Surgical. All other product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Content provided by Intuitive Surgical.

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