Advanced ObGyn COVID-19 UPDATES
Welcome to Advanced ObGyn. In light of the global COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, we will do our best to keep you as up to date as possible on any office policy changes and/or information you may find helpful. Please take the time to read the information below (or click the button to go to our normal Home Page).
May 4, 2020
Starting on Tuesday, May 5th, we will be relaxing the policy for our obstetrical (OB) ultrasound appointments ONLY. Beginning on this date, the following will be in effect:​
OB Ultrasound patients will be allowed to have 1 (one) ADULT guest come with them to their appointment.
Any guests coming to an OB ultrasound appointment are asked to either stay in their car OR outside of our lobby until the patient is called back.
Any guests coming to AN OB ultrasound will be required to wear a mask or face covering at all times while in our office.
While the last several months have certainly been challenging, we're thankful for your patience as we've done our best to navigate the situation and protect anyone that comes into our office. As we make changes in the future, we will communicate them via e-mail, phone calls to affected patients, and posts on our Facebook page. Thanks for the opportunity to serve you and stay healthy!
MARCH 22, 2020
Our office continues to closely monitor the global COVID-19 Pandemic. Throughout the outbreak, we've made a number of adjustments to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff. We realize that many of the changes that our office and others have had to make are difficult, but we also believe they are necessary to slow the spread of this virus.
After much discussion, we have decided to temporarily stop allowing any visitors with ultrasound patients. While we certainly don't want anyone to be affected by this virus, the reality is we currently only have one ultrasound technician. Ultrasound technicians have gone through extensive training to support the providers they work alongside. As a result, it is imperative that we take this step to better protect our ultrasound technician from any unnecessary exposure.
We realize that getting an ultrasound is a very special occasion for our expectant moms. One of the joys of working in the obstetrics field is getting to celebrate alongside the growing families that allow us to serve them during this time. While we are temporarily stopping ultrasound patients from bringing guests in for their appointment, we are offering Obstetrics patients a FREE USB drive with their complete ultrasound scan on it (includes video and pictures). We ordinarily charge for these USB drives, but given the circumstances, we will not charge for these drives until it is once again safe to allow guests in for ultrasound appointments.
We thank you for your understanding during this time and look forward to continuing to have the opportunity to serve you!
MARCH 19, 2020
We've gotten a lot of questions about both hospital's policies regarding visitors right now. Since we deliver babies and perform surgeries at both hospitals, we're sharing the most recent information we have from both hospitals. Please always check with the hospital first to see if anything has changed since we have posted this information.
For Huntsville Hospital Women & Children Center visitation policy, go to:
For Crestwood Medical Center's Women's Center Visitor Information Policy, go to:
MARCH 17, 2020
As we continue to do our part to protect our patient population and staff from the Coronavirus outbreak, please be advised of the following:
Patients that would rather wait outside or in their car may now do so. We are still asking that a patient come to the check-in window to check in, verify their mobile number and pay any co-pays due. Then, the patient can wait either outside or in their car and we will contact them on their mobile phone and let them know when it’s time to come in.
Please note that all our previous restrictions are still in place regarding not bringing guests inside (certain LIMITED exceptions listed on the March 15th update). Additional restrictions shared on March 13th for Annual appointments are still in place as well.
We are thankful to each of you for you understanding during these uncertain times. We’re thankful for the trust you place in us to serve your healthcare needs!
MARCH 15, 2020
Due to the recent updates from the CDC and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) the physicians at Advanced OB/GYN are being forced to re-evaluate the ways in which we keep our patients safe and healthy. The nature of our patient population differs from many other Doctor’s offices in that the majority of our patients are “Well and Non Contagious”. Many are either pregnant or have just given birth and are bringing a newborn with them. We have many elderly gynecology patients. They all fall into the “High Risk” category per the CDC. Our main goal is to have protocols in place that do not put anyone at risk, especially our most vulnerable patients. Based on recommendations laid out by the CDC and ABOG, we are implementing some new policies in our office effective Monday, March 16th. We will be updating these as things progress.
In following the “Social Distancing” recommendations, we ask that you DO NOT BRING ANY GUESTS INTO THE OFFICE with you at your appointment. If a patient requires special assistance, their caregiver will be allowed. If possible, we ask that they wait outside of our waiting room until you are called back. At which point, you can call and a nurse will escort them to you.
For ultrasound appointments, the following will apply: For anatomy scans and gender sneak peek scans, a spouse will be allowed (but, must wait outside of the office's waiting room until you are called back).
At this time, per the CDC and ACOG recommendations, no children will be allowed into our office. We will keep this updated if the recommendations change. We know this poses a hardship on many of you.
Please, remember that we are asking anyone who is experiencing a cough, fever or flu like symptoms to reschedule. Also, if you have been out of the country or traveled by air in the last 14 days, please reschedule.
We realize that this virus is impacting every aspect of our lives and our main concern is the health and well being of all of our patients and keeping our staff as healthy as possible, so we are able to continue providing the best care of you.
Thank you so much for your understanding. The recommendations are changing daily. We will do our best to keep you informed.
MARCH 13, 2020
The health and safety of our patients is our top priority. As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) begins to affect our community, we feel it is important that we contact you directly to share steps that are being taken to help keep our patient population safe and healthy.
Due to the unique nature of our patient population, if you have an upcoming Annual Appointment, please call our office to re-schedule if any of the following apply to you or anyone that will be coming with you to your appointment:
You are sick and/or running a fever.
Been outside the United States since March 1st.
Traveled via airplane within the last 14 days.
Been to an area with confirmed cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) within the last 14 days.
Please note that we will be waiving any cancellation fees for re-scheduling your annual appointment.
Since we are a medical facility, we always regularly clean and disinfect our facility. However, given the concerns surrounding this outbreak, we’ve taken additional steps that we’d like to make you aware of. We are now disinfecting each chair in our waiting room multiple times a day. We are also disinfecting doorknobs and “touch points” within our office multiple times a day. We keep our office stocked with anti-bacterial soap and instant hand sanitizers in the exam rooms, restrooms, waiting room, check-in/check-out window and other public areas. Every exam room is always thoroughly cleaned and sanitized in between each patient. We have a professional cleaning service that cleans our office multiple times a week. Finally, as a medical provider we’ve always made it a top priority to educate our staff on customary sanitary procedures such as regularly washing hands with soap and water.
If you are PREGNANT and are sick and/or running a fever, please call the office to be advised on how to proceed. We realize that the situation is fluid and changes daily. We will continue to closely monitor and follow all recommendations by both the CDC and ABOG. Our hearts and prayers go out to all who have been affected. Your health and safety is our top priority. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. We’ll update on Facebook and our website if there are any changes in the coming days! Thanks for entrusting us with your healthcare needs.